Friday, August 22, 2008


Vent not like the bath fan - as in the local newspaper lets you submit vents about things that tick you off. Well, now the vent actually made it worse & I'm venting about the vent - now go figure that out! I submitted a couple lines about our local county motto "success lives here" & kinda knocked it in a witty banter. Well, others that read it online can vote & make your score go up or DOWN...Well, mine started out strong...and a couple hours later....I'm third from the bottom. I actually got got a little upset this fine Friday afternoon but no tears. Then I thought WWJD - what would Jesus do?" kidding but I did think "don't get mad, get even". So, I submitted another vent to let these fellas know, "For all of you who knocked my score down, ARGH!, you should be oh so lucky they don't post your face next to your vote" - yeaaa so there! Ahhh now I feel better, let those readers know who's boss in this town - HAVE A NICE DAY!