Friday, September 19, 2008

Baby Wave....

I hesitated to post this beacuse I wasn't sure if I was just hypersensitive to this situation & that it is a common occurance or if I was the witness to this strange sitaution.

I went with the latter as you can see...

I've recently have taken notice to a string of "baby waves"

Out of nowhere...when I least expect it, there is a random baby staring at me then suddenly waving & smiling like I'm Santa Claus or something. I don't know these kids...I'm they are cute little things but I keep wondering - do they do this to every car at every stop light or just me? Do they do this to every young lady on the mall escalator or just me? Not just white ones either...its not like they relate to me or something. Last week it was a little black boy in a car seat that popped up, looked over at me & just started waving. WTF??? Where did that come from...but didn't think much more about it. Then, I went to get my hair done at the mall & a little spanish kid on the escalator holding his moms hand turns around & just starts waving away. I picked up on it this time only because of the recent occurance....still confused though. Then, this morning it was "okay what's going on here" when a little Asian boy in a car seat was staring at me at the stop light...his grandpa in the front seat not paying attention. Then as the light turned green, he pops up & starts waving goodbye with a big grin on his face. The weird part is that I never waved at them first. You know, how you see those typical people that run up to strangers kids saying "ga ga goo goo, awww, he's so precious" Then, I would say that deserves a wave & smile. But I just look at them wondering what they are thinking - boom! it happens again. So, it just made me curious & intrigued as to what the insight to this situation is only because its been so common recently & not in the past???? it some biological clock trick or something - agh!! scary! I totally feel like Ally McBeal right now except instead of the baby dancing its waving...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Freshly Sealed Kitty Cat Food

Dear Science Diet,

I am just oh so glad (insert sarcasm here) that you have branded yourself as the premium choice for cat food & for people who love their cats to the point of getting us to spend $10 a pop for the small bag. I have now found myself meandering in the grocery store...passing by the 14 ton bags for $8.99 wondering what would happen to my little precious if I decided to "serve" this to her...would she die at a young age? would her silky coat turn ragged? would she refuse to eat to the point of sunken in cheeks & an exposed rib cage? Then, I have to pass on by because of these guilty thoughts & drive another 10 minutes out of the way to PetStore to feel like a good fur baby parent. I plop up that bag on the checkout counter to feel like "see, look at me mr. checkout person, I am a dedicated mom willing to spend extra hard earned cash to be a real responsible adult here." Then, I drive home and remind lil Halle how lucky she is to have dinner on the table and that she's not out roaming the streets for the next scrap of road kill & poison berries. I am hoping for a nice purrr,that's all.

However, I also recently noticed my latest bag purchased 9-16-08 to be exact, there has been a change in the bag? Oh my!? They have gone to the point of adding the plastic strip across the top to make it resealable. Gee, how thoughtful! No seriously, I would never want lil precious to have "stale" cat food, now would I??? I mean, someone must have actually requested this change like a cat can tell the difference. Isn't cat food nasty enough?? Plus sometimes it sits out for 2 or 3 days in the bowl anyways so what is the real difference?? I would love to have someone explain this to me. I am hoping it is for the owner's sake, really, because maybe someone requested it so they didn't have to use bag clips to seal it. For some reason I think I'm wrong...there are some strange cats out there....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blog Fog

I was just thinking about how I haven't posted anything lately.

It's not that I have neglected to add my tid bit of the day, I would like to think it is more of a Blog Fog or call it a Flog for short...if you don't have anything worthwhile to post, don't post anything at all...I added the picture to give it the whole shibang effect!!!

I guess I'm down since I really didn't win the little contest I submitted the "mascot name" to for the local baseball team. However, the name I did submit WON...yes it won alright but did I get credit for it - NO...exactly my point, I really don't win anything ever! Not even dumb contests...well it wasn't that dumb, it had a nice trip to Portland,Oregon as the prize - rats!!! In order to make myself feel better, I am going to assume that it was rigged since the man was a wildlife biologist for the city. It sounds pretty fishy to me, if I do say so myself