Friday, November 7, 2008

Hot Damn - Don't call me Ma'am!!

Argh - back to back yesterday...two separate people called me "ma'am" from two totally different backgrounds. Man, what a gut punch as I'm creeping towards 30!!
It doesn't help when she's a cute lil high school student nor when he's an extremely syrupy gray haired Publix manager. Thank you for your politeness but "miss" would be much more receptive. Ma'am makes me feel sooo not cool. I think we should only reserve that word for women over 65. Fair? I think so. By then, I think I will have accepted that I'm probably not a spring chicken anymore & probably not cool anymore either but who knows??? I may have discovered the fountain of youth. Til then, hot damn, don't call me ma'am!

Warm Regards,